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Saturday Food Bank
August 18, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

NEW AGE REQUIREMENTS at the Warehouse, 6 years old chaperoned, 15 years old unchaperoned.
Remember this is the perfect time for those family outings and our Ags that can not make it on weeknights. And this works towards those community service hours needed for high school and college transcripts.
This is open to all Aggie families (with children over 6 years old) and individuals (with friends, family, coworkers and that lonely teasip you know).
Since it is a warehouse environment, everyone must wear closed-toe shoes (no sling-backs), long shorts (to the knee) or pants, and no low cut tops (OSHA regulations). If you would like to sign up or have questions, please contact Jim Thorpe ’78 at thorpejim@comcast.net. For more information on the organization, please visit www.houstonfoodbank.org.
Directions to new location: Take I-10 east, (beware of the morning rising sun) exit 774, Gellhorn Dr (after McCarty St, before 610 East Loop). U-turn to feeder road heading west. First right on Portwall St (green Houston Food Bank sign).
Every adult in the group must register in their system before volunteering. Please email Jim Thorpe for registration link.
Minors (6 to 15 years old) will need a minor waiver form. These can be filled out at the front desk or contact Jim Thorpe to have one emailed to you